The KMSKA loves nothing better than to spark a dialogue between artworks that range widely in date! What’s The Story? is all about contemporary art and how it relates to early and modern works of art in the museum’s collection. Conservator Nico Van Hout and co-curator Erno Vroonen chose associative, themed ensembles so that visitors can discover for themselves links between modern-day artists and their kindred spirits from the past.
What’s The Story? is all about the dialogue between the collection and contemporary artists. Artists past and present influence our ideas about universal subjects we consider important today. The presentation shows how the same themes change over the centuries and how artists build on each other’s work. Shown together, the artworks tell a shared story. Our interpretation of them, however, is not set in stone. So you can come up with your own explanations of the artworks and discover possible links. The exhibition invites you to uncover stories behind the works.
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