Roller skating made me appreciate different varieties of tarmac

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The June issue usually gives way to a new 20-something list, featuring models, musicians, actors, illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, artists, architects,... and so much more. The people who are a representation of young society in Belgium, a generation ready to rule our world. In 2020, hence the double number, we’re serving you, hungry hearts, 2 editions of our acclaimed list. That’s right, we’re doubling the number of features, starting a bit earlier. Let us introduce you to the faces you didn't realise you wanted to meet!

Milena Maenhaut  

Journalist, Ghent/Brussels

What do we & our readers need to remember about you? 

I’m not sure I want to be remembered, I like the anonymity of big cities. But if I have to be, I want people to remember me as a kind person who does her own thing.

What is the (near) future bringing you?  

I’m moving to Brussels to live with two friends.



What are you up to these days?  

Working, mostly. It’s like I’ve been living in a different time dimension as I started a job just when everybody suddenly had a lot of time on their hands.

What artists are you listening to?  

Rina Sawayama, Thaiboy Digital, Clairo, Amnesia Scanner, Poppy and Kim Gordon


Which records are you playing most right now?  

When working, I listen a lot to Xiu Xiu’s version of the soundtrack of Twin Peaks. Fits the lockdown atmosphere.

It’s like I’ve been living in a different time dimension as I just started a job

What makes your heart go faster these days?  

The sun and Charli XCX. 

What are you doing daily at 9pm/9am?  

At 9am I’m usually rushing out of the shower, at 9pm I’m watching high school series on Netflix.

How do you bring some routine into your days?  

I like to act as if I’m at work, still showering, getting dressed and taking lunch breaks.

How does your face mask look?  

Last time I did a face mask, I was in Berlin and accidentally ripped parts of my skin off and was too embarrassed to go to the public restroom of the hostel. So I’m taking a break from masks for the time being.

What’s your personal utopia?  

Different Class

What brings you satisfaction?  

ASMR. It sort of substitutes the intimacy we’re lacking these days.



What’s your favourite lockdown Instagram account?  


What’s your favourite lockdown book?  

Francoise Hardy’s memoir has been lying next to my bed for some time, I still have to start reading it though.

What’s your favourite lockdown film?  

Skate Kitchen by Crystal Moselle

How do you keep healthy?  

Drinking juice, eating strawberries and rubbing disinfectant on doorknobs every now and then.

What’s one of your sources of inspiration that may surprise people?  

TikTok. I think I’m starting to look more like a gen Z than a millennial by now.

What would you like to be doing in 10 years’ time?  

Two months ago I was running around in my underwear in Ghent because I locked myself out, now I’m working an ‘adult’ job. So it could be anything, really.

I’ve started nodding to people I cross on the street

How does the current crisis make you feel?  


How important are fellow companions now? How do you reach out? 

I’ve started nodding to people I cross on the street and I try to see the few people in my little quarantine bubble as often as possible.


What is the latest/future project you are working on? 

I’m working on my final project for KASK & Conservatorium. It will be about weird dreams during quarantine since everybody seems to be experiencing these lately.

Did you have an exhibition/concert/show on your agenda these days? Which one?

I was really looking forward to Les Nuits Botanique: the PC Music Label Night shows of Sega Bodega and Protomartyr - literally everything Botanique had lined up in May.

What will the second part of 2020 bring you? 

I might (please) finally meet the people I’ve been working with these past few months.

Who is the person that most influenced you throughout your development in life? 

My little sister

What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately?  

Walking can be a valid hobby + how to find the best lighting for Zoom meetings.



Is there anyone in your scene who needs more attention? 

I’m complimenting the magazine (Focus Knack) I write for here, but everyone should read Jozefien Wouters.

Comfort food/speciality dish now? 

I developed a tiny addiction to Royco soup.

Lockdown hobby? 

Roller skating. It has made me appreciate different varieties of tarmac.


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