I really like Ghent because it's a small city

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Name: Beppe Geerts

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Location: Brussels/Ghent

Age: 22

Instagram: @beppegeerts

Pronouns: she/her

Cover shot by Jo Bogaerts

Tell us, what do you do in life?

I finished my master's in graphic design last year and now I am studying illustration. This year I will (hopefully) receive my bachelor's degree. Last year, I did an internship at Horst arts and music festival. I really enjoyed my time there, lovely people to work with. The following year you can find me in Italy. I am gonna study abroad for 6 months in Urbino at ISIA.

If you could be famous, what kind of celebrity would you be?

I would want to be a celebrity because of something I accomplished, so I don't want to be a Kardashian. I would be an environmental activist like Greta Thunberg or David Attenborough.

I would want to be a celebrity because of something I accomplished

What do you like best about your place?

I really like Ghent because it's a small city, lovely and has very kind people.

What kind of music are you listening to at the moment?

The type of music I listen to is largely influenced by time. I listen to different types of music depending on my mood.

What’s your favourite pastime?

Going to new exhibitions, strolling around in the city and drawing on the train or the bus on my way there.

Any guilty pleasures?

Dancing to reggaeton music.

Have you experienced any regrets recently?

No regrets, only overthinking a lot lately, my future plans, but that's a part of my age.

Which future Subbacultcha event are you looking forward to?

I Would love to go to Picasso & Abstraction and Miradas de Mujeres in KMSK Brussels.

What is the key element of your morning routine?

Not having to wake up too early is what I love about my morning routine. I am a night owl, so I mostly don't have that much time for a morning routine.

When you think of your safe space, what do you imagine?

As a safe space, I imagine everyone being free to express their emotions (if no one gets hurt by it) and being free to wear what they want and do what they want.

As a safe space, I imagine everyone being free to express their emotions

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

I would love to travel to Mexico and explore Latin & South America.

The latest book that you read and liked?

I never ever by Eva Joos, who just graduated in graphic design, it's her master thesis in a self-published book. I really love reading books that are designed in an interesting way.

I really love reading books that are designed in an interesting way

Name one podcast that you always go back to.

KUNST IS LANG (en het leven is kort) from Luuk Heezen & mister Motle.

What is your favourite staple clothing piece?

My necklaces, because I believe they bring me good luck. If I am not wearing them I have a messy day ahead of me.

Is there anything you wish people would know about you?

I am an optimistic, dreamy person and enjoy the little things in life.

The best place you have ever lived in?

So far I only lived in Meise (which is not too far from Brussels, great botanical garden) Gent, Belgium & L.A, I think I would choose L.A. but only because it's a sunny state. I like living in Gent because there is a lot of green and I love the canals and biking through the city. I really missed my bike in L.A.

What is your favourite thing to do at the weekend?

I like to go for a run or a walk in a green environment, which inspires me a lot. I fill my weekends by going to galleries, and exhibitions, catching up with friends, having a good coffee, visiting flea markets, drawing …

Name a contemporary artist you think we should know about.

@sareillustratie, she just graduated from LUCA school of arts, with a Master's in Illustration.

What is a relationship deal breaker?

A racist, anti-environmentalist, someone who votes for a political party I don't agree with.

One thing you always have in your bag?

I always carry a bag full of stuff, but the things I always want to bring are a marker and my sketchbook. For the time in between when I have to wait for someone or to pass my time on public transport.

I always want to bring are a marker and my sketchbook

Where do you get inspiration?

I'm inspired by the woodcutting technique and by Frans Masereel and I also really love the work of Raymond PettibonHe is known for his stylized ink drawings.

What is the most meditative activity to try out?

Life drawing in a park or a green environment or at the beach, with sunlight on your face.

When was the last time that you had to fake laugh?

This summer when I was in New York, I had a lot of American friends but I didn't always understand their jokes.

Cite your favourite lyrics line.

‘And we both had to harness our pain. Close it and hope it decays’ - Sampha

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