Consoling people through visuals and sound

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Floating through cyberspace crowd console was launched. Hosting, creating and collaborating is where it’s at. Founder Jonas Steurs led us through his concept and vision of creating an anti-angstplatform. crowd console rebels against staying within bounds by merging all different forms of people and expressions from music to digital art. On August 15th crowd console is hosting another live show at Stelplage in Leuven. Different Class members can experience the unique atmosphere for free!

Jonas, you recently started a new concept. What’s your motivation behind setting up crowd console? 

Curiosity. crowd console enables me to merge different fields of interest and people. Digital arts, virtual – and cyberspace, sound, music… 

The original idea was to only host game performances – hence crowd control – where an artist would literally soundtrack gameplay. The aim was to link 3D/game artists with sound artists and musicians. That way designers can showcase their work and artists are challenged to improvise. Last year I saw Ana Caprix and Daniel Swan in Bozar hosted by HE4RTBROKEN and have been hooked on the idea of similar performances ever since. I believe these forms of expression should work together more closely, especially in a live setting. 

More recently, my residency on The Word Radio started and simultaneously I was given the opportunity to host radio shows in Stelplaats. I needed a platform that would encompass all these things. Because of COVID-19 crowd console will finally host its first game performances in the fall. 

You describe crowd console as an anti-angst media platform hosting shows. What do you mean exactly by anti-angst platform? Could you further elaborate on what crowd console is?

Literally, against fear. Consoling people through visuals and sound is the common theme. Many people, including myself, fear the things they love or want the most. This platform challenges me to engage with exactly those things on a daily basis. It’s weird, I don’t get it either. Of course, the name itself is a metaphor but I’ll leave that open for interpretation. 

In which direction are you heading with crowd console? Do you have an ultimate goal for the future?

There is no ultimate goal. I’m simply going to host, create and collaborate. Guest mixes, live streams, a label? We’ll see how it evolves. I just want people to (co)create, play, and try out new things. 

I’m simply going to host, create and collaborate

On August 15th crowd console curates another live show at Stelplage Leuven after the first one on July 18th. These shows are free for our members. What can our members expect when attending Stelplage live?

Rare, electronic (pop) artists and original visuals.  

On Instagram crowd console has already been posting digital artwork. Do these visuals resemble the image of crowd console? Why? Can we expect similar artwork in the future?

Yes, they do. Many of today’s artists are hybrid in terms of their art practice. It’s exactly the type of artist I’d like to support. 


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