Caught in a Web: Arts and Community at the Parrot Pavilion

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From August 31st to October 6th, the serene Begijnhofpark in Kortrijk will host the Parrot Pavilion, an extraordinary architectural installation that transforms the park into a vibrant hub of contemporary art. This collaborative project, involving artist Nico Dockx, VOET Architectuur, and Studio Zuidervaart, is part of the Kortrijk Triennale and Be-Part, Platform for Contemporary Art’s initiative to bring art into public spaces. Inspired by a spider’s web, the Parrot Pavilion is not just a visual spectacle but a living entity that evolves with its environment, inviting public engagement in new, thought-provoking ways.

The Parrot Pavilion represents more than an architectural feat; it’s a living organism that harmonises with the rhythms of the city and its people. With a minimal environmental footprint, the pavilion reflects a commitment to sustainability and democracy—core themes embedded in its design. Initially constructed for a summer exhibition in Waregem, the pavilion has been reassembled in Kortrijk using sustainable materials, underscoring the importance of resourcefulness and ecological mindfulness in contemporary art and architecture.

An Organic, Evolving Structure

At the heart of the Parrot Pavilion is a tubular frame supporting 18 large canvases. Over the pavilion’s stay in Kortrijk, these canvases will be transformed by various artists, creating a constantly evolving environment that invites visitors to return and experience its ongoing transformation.

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A Space for Artistic and Communal Exchange

The true strength of the Parrot Pavilion lies in its ability to function as a dynamic creative hub where art and community converge. It fosters dialogue, collaboration, and engagement among artists, locals, and visitors. Curated by Nico Dockx, the pavilion will host a diverse and ambitious program of events throughout its run. It is designed to encourage interaction, provoke thought, and create a sense of community through shared artistic experiences.

Volkskeuken / Volksfeest with Instroom Art and Seppe Nobels

08.09.2024, 13.00h - Begijnhofpark (Parrot Pavilion), Kortrijk

Chef Seppe Nobels, in collaboration with the Instroom Art team, will host a communal meal celebrating the culinary traditions of refugees who have fled their homelands in search of a better future. This event, already fully booked, offers a poignant exploration of food as a medium for connection, memory, and cultural exchange. Interested individuals can join the waiting list via the official website.

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Ultra Eczema Label Night: ‘Are you a fucking parrot or what?’

14.09.2024, 16.00h - Begijnhofpark (Parrot Pavilion), Kortrijk

Music lovers can anticipate an eclectic event curated by Dennis Tyfus, founder of the Ultra Eczema label. The evening will feature performances by experimental and avant-garde artists, including Adia Vanheerentals, DJ Grazzhoppa, Peter Fengler, Klinck Trio, and Suzan Peeters. The event, free for Different Class members, celebrates sound and performance art, pushing audiences to experience music in new and unexpected ways.

Finissage of the Kortrijk Triennale with Book Presentation by Pei-Hsuan Wang and Conversation with Nico Dockx

06.10.2024, 15.00h - Begijnhofpark (Parrot Pavilion), Kortrijk

As the Parrot Pavilion’s time in Kortrijk concludes, the finissage will feature a book presentation by artist Pei-Hsuan Wang, titled I’ve Left My Body to Occupy Others. Exploring themes of migration, identity, and the search for home, Wang’s work is deeply personal, influenced by her experiences and those of her family.  This event will also include a conversation with Nico Dockx, during which he’ll discuss his practice and the intersection of art, social engagement and public space.

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 A Vibrant Addition to Kortrijk’s Cultural Landscape

The Parrot Pavilion is not just an architectural marvel; it’s a testament to art’s power to foster community, provoke thought, and create lasting memories. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor, this unique structure in the heart of Kortrijk offers a rare opportunity to engage with contemporary art in a setting that blurs the boundaries between nature, architecture, and human interaction. The pavilion’s evolving nature, combined with its rich program of events, makes it a must-visit destination during its stay in Kortrijk.

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For those interested in exploring the full range of activities and events, the complete program is available on the official website. Don’t miss this chance to experience the Parrot Pavilion before it sets sail for its next destination, leaving behind a legacy of artistic innovation and community engagement in Kortrijk.

<div class="editorial-banner"> <div class=“editorial-credits”> @bepart_platform / @stine_diana /  @alinederuytter / Last photo shot by @joselitoverschaeve <br/> Plan your visit to the Pirate Pavilion, free for everyone <br/> Different Class is an affordable membership that offers access to the coolest parties, concerts, performances, exhibitions and films in Belgium for € 9,95 a month! Join our community </div></div>

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